result count: 5

Sys423160_nameEl "Ojo plateado" del dueño de la tabernaPub Owner's "Silver Eye"
Sys423160_szquest_accept_detailEste [206813|Ojo plateado] se parece al que perdió [114478|Samiel Caster]. Llevadlo a la taberna [114828|Cerdo en una Charca] y devolvédselo a [114478|Samiel Caster].This [206813|Silver Eye] looks like the one [114478|Samiel Caster] lost. Take it to the [114828|Pig in a Pond] pub and give it back to [114478|Samiel Caster].
Sys423160_szquest_complete_detail¡Es mi [206813|Ojo plateado]! ¡Lo habéis encontrado!\nPensaba que no lo volvería a ver jamás. Gracias por encontrarlo. Iba a usar el dinero para comprarme otro en el mercado negro, ¡pero aceptadlo a modo de recompensa!This is my [206813|Silver Eye]! You found it!\n\nI thought I'd never see it again. Thank you for finding it. I was going to use this money to buy another one on the black market, but just take it as your reward!
Sys423160_szquest_descDevolvedle el [206813|Ojo plateado] a [114478|Samiel Caster], el dueño de la taberna [114828|Cerdo en una Charca].Give the [206813|Silver Eye] back to the owner of the [114828|Pig in a Pond] pub, [114478|Samiel Caster].
Sys423160_szquest_uncomplete_detailMi [206813|Ojo plateado]... la luz de mi vida...My [206813|Silver Eye]...without it, my life is without light...