result count: 21

SC_423208_1Huh? Who are you guys? Can you let me go?
SC_423208_10No! I can naturally change back and forth. I am [115876|Morrok Wallinder]. What is your name?
SC_423208_11I am [115891|Loub]. [115868|Loub Ayekin].
SC_423208_12The one who was with you was your sister?
SC_423208_13Right! [115892|Jill] is my sister.
SC_423208_14[115891|Loub]! [115891|Loub]!
SC_423208_15Sister! Over here!
SC_423208_16How can you be with them! Come! Let's leave quickly!
SC_423208_17[115887|Morrok Wallinder]. Bye!
SC_423208_2Of course! Are you ok?
SC_423208_3I've seen that person. He is with a bad guy!
SC_423208_4Was he the one who locked you up?
SC_423208_5Uh... Just now I didn't see him. Last time he was a good guy...
SC_423208_6Last time did the bad guy want to lock you up?
SC_423208_7Uh... Last time the bad guy was also a good guy... But...
SC_423208_8I don't want to lock you up. All I want is to talk to you.
SC_423208_9You... you... you also have the same potion as my sister?
Sys423208_nameBelieve Me, Child
Sys423208_szquest_accept_detailUp until now, everything has gone smoothly. Although we successfully trapped the half-dragon in the underground cell, it has made him upset. The good news is that he only saw my half-dragon form. He hasn't seen my human appearance.\n\nI don't know if you have the same feeling, but although he looks like an adult, when he talks he acts like a child. Why don't we wait and see. Since last time we helped him in that battle, he has seen you before. When we go inside in a second, I will announce we have come to save him. I hope that will make him feel at ease with us.\n\nIf you are ready let me know. We will go inside!
Sys423208_szquest_complete_detail[115868|Loub Ayekin]... [115888|Jill Ayekin]...\n\n[115893|Ayekin]... I think I have heard this name before.
Sys423208_szquest_descTalk to [115878|Morrok Wallinder] when you are ready. After it is complete report to [115890|Morrok Wallinder].