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SC_423323_4No tenemos demasiado tiempo, tenemos que irnos enseguida.We do not have much time, we should leave immediately.
SC_423323_5Entiendo.I understand.
SC_423323_6Gente de [115579|Angren], deteneos.People of [115579|Angren] please stop.
SC_423323_7Este olor... ¡Sois un [115600|Limon]!This odor... You're a [115600|Limon]!
SC_423323_8Vuestra madre quería que os contase...Your mother wanted me to tell you...
SC_423323_9¿Acaso sigue viva mi madre?My mother is still alive!?
Sys423323_nameRumbo al Templo de RakshaLeave for Raksha Temple
Sys423323_szquest_accept_detail¿Eh? Parece que sois más valiente que esa cobarde mujer comandante.\n\nTodo lo que he dicho ha resultado ser cierto, pronto os daréis cuenta. Sólo me preocupa que acabéis pidiendo apoyo militar. La gente de mi raza son grandes guerreros, sobre todo madre [115749|Yawaka], cuya fuerza es por todos reconocida. Solamente el [114367|General Lance] es capaz de enfrentarse a ella cara a cara, pero no debéis preocuparos: estoy seguro de que con unos cuantos guerreros más podremos controlarla.\n\nSi esperamos demasiado y nos atacan, no podremos proteger al Rey. La comandante y vos tendréis que tener mucho cuidado, ya que el sacerdote del [ZONE_PECHE_TEMPLE|Templo de Raksha] es mucho más poderoso que vos.\n\nEs extraño que el rey aún no haya llegado. El tiempo es oro.Oh? It seems like you are more valiant than that cowardly woman commander.\n\nEverything I've said has turned out to be true, you'll see soon enough. I'm just worried that you'll come out beaten and asking for military support. The people of my race are great warriors, especially mother [115749|Yawaka], who is recognized as the champion of the clan. Only [114367|General Lance] is able to take her on one-to-one, but fear not, I'm sure that with a few other warriors we'll be able to restrain her.\n\nIf we wait too long and get attacked we will not be able to protect the King as well. You and the commander had better be careful - the priest of the [ZONE_PECHE_TEMPLE|Raksha Temple] is much stronger than you.\n\nI think it's quite strange that the king hasn't arrived yet. Time is of the essence.
Sys423323_szquest_complete_detailEl jefe tiene la responsabilidad de preparar el ejército y escuchar el mensaje de los espíritus ancestrales. Aún no es el momento... Si entramos de todos modos, me temo que podría ser desastroso...\n\nTal vez madre espera que recuerde las palabras del oráculo.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], tengo que deciros algo.The chief has the responsibility of preparing the army, and to listen to the messages from the ancient spirits. Now is not the right time... If we do otherwise and go in, I am afraid it will be disastrous ...\n\nPerhaps mother is hoping that I'll think about the oracle.\n\n[$playername], I have something to tell you.
Sys423323_szquest_descDespués de escuchar a [115647|Lashana] partid hacia el [ZONE_PECHE_TEMPLE|Templo de Raksha].After listening to [115647|Lashana] leave for [ZONE_PECHE_TEMPLE|Raksha Temple].

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