result count: 5

Sys423374_nameEl amor de NanaNanna's Love
Sys423374_szquest_accept_detail[115617|Dikeya] es mi hija y conozco sus preocupaciones aunque no me las cuente. [115583|Glick] es un buen chico. La suavidad de sus manos y su buen corazón pueden ser útiles en otros lugares, pero aquí, en el peligroso reino de [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren], lo considerarán un cobarde débil e inútil.\n\nAl ver a [115583|Glick] siempre pienso en su abuelo, que sólo mataba cuando cazaba para comer. No era un cobarde, se limitaba a seguir las enseñanzas de [115628|Raksha]: no hacer nada para dañar el bosque y no matar sin motivo.\n\nEl Gran Cazador [115582|Hanches] también aprecia a [115583|Glick] y opina que el chico siente la naturaleza y es inteligente. [115617|Dikeya] es muy dura con él y sus métodos pueden ser contraproducentes. Hablaré con ella.\n\nJoven, decidle a [115583|Glick] que venga a verme. Decidle que Nana lo espera y le está preparando su comida favorita. Gracias.[115617|Dikeya] is my daughter and I know her troubles even if she doesn't tell me. [115583|Glick] is a good boy. Having soft hands and a kind heart might be okay in the outside world, but here in the dangerous kingdom of [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren] he will be viewed as a weak, good-for-nothing coward.\n\nBut when I look at [115583|Glick] I always think of his grandfather. He only took life when hunting for food. He wasn't a coward- he simply followed [115628|Raksha's] teachings, to not do anything to harm the forest, and to not kill without reason.\n\nThe Great Hunter [115582|Hanches] also looks kindly on [115583|Glick]. He thinks the boy is close to nature and has a good mind. [115617|Dikeya] is hard on the boy and her methods may be counterproductive. I will talk with her.\n\nYoung adventurer, go and tell [115583|Glick] to see me. Tell him that Nanna is waiting for him and cooking his favorite snack. Thank you.
Sys423374_szquest_complete_detail¿Nana quiere que vaya a verla? Yo hago lo que dice mamá y mamá hace lo que dice Nana, así que ella es la que manda. ¡Iré enseguida! ¡Muchas gracias!Nanna wants me to go over? I do what Mummy says and Mummy does what Nanna says, so that makes her the boss. I'll go there right away. Thank you!
Sys423374_szquest_descId a buscar a [115583|Glick] y decidle que Nana lo está buscando.Go and find [115583|Glick] and tell him his Nanna is looking for him.
Sys423374_szquest_uncomplete_detailEspero que mamá esté más contenta por las floresI hope the flowers make Mummy less angry with me.