result count: 9

SC_423571_1Are you ready to go back to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]?
SC_423571_2I'm ready to go back to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis].
SC_423571_3No, wait a bit.
SC_423571_4OK, but I hope you'll go as soon as possible.
Sys423571_nameToni's Rescue
Sys423571_szquest_accept_detailWhen you were chasing [116220|Skarbar Sharpclaw] I contacted my teacher, [116269|Safir Shaquapuh].\n\nAsk [115785|Lance] for help so they don't worry. But [116269|Safir Shaquapuh] was [115785|Lance] and my teacher. With his help I'll be able to calm down a bit.\n\nI told our teacher about what happened here and he's already sent a letter of instructions to me. Now we have to split up to find the two people that he mentioned.\n\nWe know them, but the tough part is that we don't know where they are now...\n\n[115060|Morrok Wallinder] and '[115068|Morning Star]' [116335|Ike Mania].\n\nLet's split up and search for them.
Sys423571_szquest_complete_detailTake the letter of instructions given to us by my teacher and set out!
Sys423571_szquest_descSpeak to [115594|Toni] again.
Sys423571_szquest_uncomplete_detailTime is limited.