result count: 5

Sys423633_nameTake Care of the Patrol
Sys423633_szquest_accept_detailDifferences of opinion are really aggravating. [116888|Jill Ayekin] and the human king's opinions are always at odds, and the enemy is already watching.\n\nSometimes, even when the objective is the same, the plan of action isn't the same. We can only complete our mission before things get out of hand.\n\n[116890|Ike Mania] agrees with me, that before entering the [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Grafu Castle], we should get rid of those patrolling [<S>104733|Grafu Suppressors], so they can't communicate and report back. This will help us greatly.\n\nOnce the work is finished, we'll meet up in the [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Grafu Castle]!
Sys423633_szquest_complete_detailYou've finally cleared out those [<S>104733|Grafu Suppressors], but it seems the human king wants to say something to you.
Sys423633_szquest_desc[116893|Morrok Wallinder] in [ZONE_ABANDONED_CAMPS|Abandoned Camp] wants you to split up and get rid of the patrolling [<S>104733|Grafu Suppressors], then meet up inside the [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Grafu Castle].\n\n(Perhaps you can meet them to the left of the main entrance.)
Sys423633_szquest_uncomplete_detailKilling those patrolling [<S>104733|Grafu Suppressors] will help with our next move, so go! Split up the work! Then meet in the [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Grafu Castle]!