result count: 5

Sys423639_nameLa petición de ElleElle's Request
Sys423639_szquest_accept_detailNuevo amo, [116924|Elle] recuerda: [116924|Elle]... [116924|Elle] fue abandonada por Lili.\n\n[116924|Elle] tenía piernas y podía bailar, tenía manos y podía volar cometas. Entonces [116924|Elle] se rompió y Lili no quiso volver a jugar con ella.\n\n[116924|Elle] quiere repararse. Nuevo amo, si veis al doctor de cadáveres, ¿le entregaréis a [116924|Elle]?New owner, [116924|Elle] remembers, [116924|Elle]...[116924|Elle] was thrown away by Lili.\n\n[116924|Elle] once had legs and could dance, had hands and could fly a kite. But then [116924|Elle] was broken, and Lili didn't play with Elle anymore.\n\n[116924|Elle] wants to repair herself. New owner, if you meet the Dead Corpse Doctor, can you give [116924|Elle] to him?
Sys423639_szquest_complete_detail[116924|Elle] dice que ha tenido muchos amos y que nadie ha hecho nunca tanto por ella. ¡Incluso me la habéis traído!\n\nNo mucha gente sabe que antes había una aldea detrás del [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Castillo de Grafu]. No debe de haber sido fácil encontrar este lugar.[116924|Elle] says she's had a lot of owners, and you're the first to do so much for her, even bringing her here to me.\n\nNow, not many people know that there was a once a village behind the [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Grafu Castle]. It couldn't have been easy for you to find this place.
Sys423639_szquest_descBuscad al [116932|Doctor de cadáveres Edward] y entregadle a [116924|Elle].Find [116932|Corpse Doctor Edward] and give [116924|Elle] to him.
Sys423639_szquest_uncomplete_detailRecuerdo a una niña llamada Elle. ¿Adónde ha ido?I remember there was once a little girl called Elle. Where has she gone?