result count: 5

Sys423693_nameEternal Guilt
Sys423693_szquest_accept_detailWhen [104954|Larvanger Barkud] massacred the city, his son and I were the only ones left alive. [104954|Larvanger Barkud] believed the child was my own flesh and blood, and thought day and night of ways to torture him. Even though I tried to protect him...I failed.\n\nWhen that child took his last painful breath, I also swallowed poison to escape the pain of [104954|Larvanger Barkud], and placed all my hopes on the Human King and my son.\n\nAfter several years, the Human King's army never came, and [104954|Larvanger Barkud] preserved my corpse so that I could "personally" witness the humiliation. My soul cannot rest because of my anger toward him and the shame I brought on the people.\n\nI always thought Exeter may have met an unfortunate fate, and now my speculation has been confirmed. I once said the blood of the loyal shouldn't be spilled in vain, and he never shamed me.\n\nAdventurer, a kind of flower called [208513|Whitehope Flower], a symbol of loyalty, once grew in Mycenya City. Please go pick some and take them to Exeter as a token of thanks for all he has done. Tell him what happened in the past. He has a right to know everything.
Sys423693_szquest_complete_detailMy son is dead...His Majesty has died...\n\nThese flowers bloom beautifully, but the past can never return. The [ZONE_MYZENA_CITY|Mycenya City] of my now deserted.
Sys423693_szquest_desc[117000|Hilbert Mania] wants you to pick five [<S>208513|Whitehope Flowers] near [ZONE_MYZENA_CITY|Mycenya City] and return to [116794|Ghost of Exeter] in [ZONE_SPIRIT_VILLAGE|Ghost Village].
Sys423693_szquest_uncomplete_detailIs everything all right, Your Majesty?