result count: 15

SC_423839_0[117339|Seda Faar] wants me to pick up 3 boxes of runes from you.
SC_423839_1You took the wrong runes. Please let me exchange them.
SC_423839_2Oh, take it yourself. I will debit the money that the little girl deposited into my account earlier.
SC_423839_3Heh. Help yourself, I am not going to wait on you.
SC_423839_4I have returned with the runes you need.
SC_423839_5Ah, I haven't brought enough runes, please wait a second.
SC_423839_6Oh, let me see if you brought the right runes...
SC_423839_7Quick, I'm in a big hurry.
SC_423839_8I told you to bring me only three boxes, so why did you bring more? This is so nerve-wracking. Forget it. I'll be able to use them later anyway.
SC_423839_OPENTake the box filled with unknown runes...
Sys423839_nameFix it! The Strange Thing
Sys423839_szquest_accept_detailAha! Just look at this treasure you've brought back. I've never noticed such a small, meticulously crafted machine while down in the [ZONE_STONE_PIT|Giant Stone Pit].\n\n(Without waiting for you to answer, she again focuses all her concentration on the magical machine.)\nI need to try to fix it. Yes, I will find a way to fix it. X-ray runescope. I need the x-ray runescope to see its internal structure clearly. Now where did it put it?\n\nAh! You can't help me look for it. So instead, get some rune stones from [117371|Tipadei Ayerka]. I need the boxes containing the activate, frost, and link runes respectively. Don't take the wrong boxes!
Sys423839_szquest_complete_detailYou've returned in the nick of time. I already basically understand its structure and was just waiting for you to come back with the runes.\r\n\r\nI need to start work!
Sys423839_szquest_descGet [117371|Tipadei Ayerka] to give you the [209206|Box of Activate Runes], [209207|Box of Frost Runes], and [209208|Box of Link Runes] for [117339|Seda Faar].
Sys423839_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you bring the runes?