result count: 6

SC_Z21_Q424539_01Too far away from the [119422|Fireworks Launch Site], you can't launch the fireworks yet.
Sys424539_nameDelivery of Rebel Information
Sys424539_szquest_accept_detailStrange, it's about time to make a move, but there is no word from the person who is supposed to light the fires. I can't help thinking that something bad has happened... \n\nThere's nothing we can do. This is an urgent situation. I hope nothing happened to that guy. Can you help me and go to [ZONE_LATIFF_PORT|Lechif Harbor] and light 3 fires at the marked locations?
Sys424539_szquest_complete_detailWell done. I can see the signal.
Sys424539_szquest_descHelp [119416|Shiklat Sani] by lighting 3 fires at the marked locations near [ZONE_LATIFF_PORT|Lechif Harbor]. This will notify others to take action immediately.
Sys424539_szquest_uncomplete_detailDon't waste time. Others are waiting for our message.