result count: 5

Sys424543_nameScavenge for Weapon Boxes!
Sys424543_szquest_accept_detailI think you must know that [ZONE_DORN_BRIDGE|Toron Bridge] is the most important defense point for the [ZONE_LATIFF_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Lechif]. However, sometimes some stupid pirates will still try to dock at this location. Of course it ends in their defeat. \n\nActually, that isn't important. I heard that some supplies from the sunken pirate ships will wash ashore. Of these, the weapon boxes would be most useful for us to keep fighting. Adventurer, lend me a helping hand. If you are willing, go collect 10 [<S>240642|Pirate Weapons Chests] around the [ZONE_DORN_BRIDGE|Toron Bridge].
Sys424543_szquest_complete_detail([119419|Gail Emil] shows a look of surprise.) \n\nThis... Could this be the one from the legend?! And, this shield!! Look at the engraving on it! \nAh, I'm sorry. I never thought that you could find valuable equipment here. \n\nThere shouldn't be anything else to do here. Thank you for your help. Perhaps other Seagulls need you.
Sys424543_szquest_descGo to the beaches around [ZONE_DORN_BRIDGE|Toron Bridge] and retrieve 10 [<S>240642|Pirate Weapons Chests].
Sys424543_szquest_uncomplete_detailHey, did you find what I'm looking for?