result count: 5

Sys424564_namePersonal Matter
Sys424564_szquest_accept_detailRecently this area has become disturbed. It is caused by thieves and the arrogant demon, [119150|Sismond]. \n\nWhat's strangest to me is the weird creatures that are wandering all over the southern part of [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass]. Even though they haven't attacked [ZONE_VALLEY_OF_SERENITY|Secluded Valley], the entrance to the valley is being watched by them. This makes me very unhappy. \n\nGo walk around the southern part of [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass]. You will certainly come across some monsters. Kill them and bring their bodies back here. I always feel like something is not right, but I can't put it into words...
Sys424564_szquest_complete_detailIt's true. These monsters were created by a rune. This aura must be connected to [119150|Sismond].
Sys424564_szquest_descGo to the south of the [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass] and eliminate the [<S>106079|Sismond's Watchers] and bring back the [<S>240628|Sentinel's Eyeballs]
Sys424564_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe monsters watching the entrance to the valley make me uneasy. Go and walk around the south of [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass] and you will certainly run into these monsters.