result count: 5

Sys424633_nameCambio de equipoEquipment Replacement
Sys424633_szquest_accept_detailEl equipo que hemos instalado cerca del campamento de ladrones que hay en el [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Desfiladero del Silencio] ha tenido algunos problemas y debemos actualizar parte de él.\n\n\n\nVos vais a menudo a esa zona. Si volvéis a aparecer, a la gente no le sorprenderá. Podéis llevar este equipo hasta su campamento e instalarlo allí. Mientras no os vea nadie, no tendréis que preocuparos de que alguien lo descubra cuando lo estéis utilizando. El hechizo que lleva evitará que os descubran.The equipment that we set up near the thief camp at [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass] has had some problems and some of it needs to be updated. \n\nYou often go to that area. Even if you show up again people won't think it is anything out of the ordinary. You can take this equipment to their camp and set it up. As long as no one is watching, you don't need to worry about someone finding it when you're using it. The spell that it is under will protect you from being discovered.
Sys424633_szquest_complete_detail¡Sí, bien hecho! Compañero Gaviota. Debemos permitir que se haga justicia.Yes, well done! Fellow Seagull. We must allow justice to be done.
Sys424633_szquest_descInfiltraos en el campamento de los ladrones y sustituid los [<S>240632|Dispositivos de control] antiguos.Infiltrate the thief camp and replace the old [<S>240632|Monitoring Devices].
Sys424633_szquest_uncomplete_detailVos vais a menudo a esa zona. Si volvéis a aparecer, a la gente no le sorprenderá. Podéis llevar este equipo hasta su campamento e instalarlo allí. Mientras no os vea nadie, no tendréis que preocuparos de que alguien lo descubra cuando lo estéis utilizando. El hechizo que lleva evitará que os descubran.You often go to that area. Even if you show up again people won't think it is anything out of the ordinary. You can take this equipment to their camp and set it up. As long as no one is watching, you don't need to worry about someone finding it when you're using it. The spell that it is under will protect you from being discovered.