result count: 4

Sys424807_nameMentira piadosaWell-Intentioned Lie
Sys424807_szquest_accept_detail¡Oh! Vos también sois una víctima...\n\n¡Dadme el jarrón! Después de todo, no sabéis si quedároslo o tirarlo. Se lo enviaré de vuelta a Wolf dentro de unos días por "falta de pujas".\n\nMarchaos y decidle que "[119876|Jalin Polly] ha aceptado subastarlo".Oh! You're a victim, too...\n\nGive me the vase! After all, you won't know whether to hold onto it or throw it away. I'll send it back to Wolf in a few days due to "lack of bids."\n\nGo back and tell him, "[119876|Jalin Polly] has agreed to auction it!"
Sys424807_szquest_complete_detailSabía que me estaba poniendo pegas a posta, ¡y ni siquiera tiene buen ojo!\n\n¿Cómo iban a juzgar unos ojos tan vulgares el valor de un objeto tan preciado? Seguro que algún entendido lo comprará a un precio elevado ¡y entonces seré rico!\n\n¡Ja, ja, ja!I knew he was just making it difficult for me on purpose, and doesn't really have a keen eye!\n\nHow could the value of such a precious thing be judged by such vulgar eyes?! I'm sure someone knowledgeable will buy it for a high price, and then I'll be rich!\n\nHa ha ha!
Sys424807_szquest_descDecidle a [119642|Wolf Asher] que su jarrón antiguo se ha entregado a [119876|Jalin Polly] sin problemas.Tell [119642|Wolf Aschespur] that his antique vase was given to [119876|Jalin Polly] with no problems.