result count: 5

Sys424935_nameComponents War
Sys424935_szquest_accept_detail([119923|Moses Blackear] greets you enthusiastically)\n\nOh dear! You're always so busy these days. The commanding officer [119727|Yujin Angerfang] is forever sending you out on missions, and when you're not doing that, you're either helping those Ailic's Researchers or working for the Phirius Workshops. You on a mission right now? If not, maybe you could help me out?\n\nMe, I'm in charge of destroying the hands and feet made by those guardians. It sounds simple enough, but I sometimes think it is a pity to destroy them, given all the technology involved in their production. Anyway, the point is to extend their production time, and removing their hand and foot components should also have that effect. Afterwards, the components can be given to the Ailic's Researchers or sold onto Phirius Workshops!\n\nObviously I can't make much of an impact working by myself. It would be great if some other people could help me out.
Sys424935_szquest_complete_detailWow! Look at all these components you got. You're so efficient, and polite too! No wonder people are always asking for your help.
Sys424935_szquest_descHelp [119923|Moses Blackear] to collect 5 [<S>119962|Hand Part] and 5 [<S>119983|Sole Parts] from the [ZONE_PROCESSING_PLANT:_LAPRIG|Laphraag Production Plant].
Sys424935_szquest_uncomplete_detailThose hand and foot components are really heavy. Just moving one makes me sweat like a prize winning hog. Anyway, I'm not in a rush. Take your time.