result count: 5

Sys424996_nameCareful you don't get eaten alive!
Sys424996_szquest_accept_detailAhhh! Finally, someone who can help me out!\n\nIt's like this: I've been ordered to send supplies to the next Eye of Wisdom camp, but the path is overrun with [<S>106364|Wailing Canes]. If it's not too much to ask, could you deliver the goods for me, and take care of those [<S>106364|Wailing Canes] while you're at it?\n\nThe [<S>106364|Wailing Canes] have completely occupied the road. If the army doesn't take care of these pests, then what's a merchant like me to do? And what's this massive alliance army good for if they can't even secure a road?\n\nYou see, my only option is to seek help from someone like you.
Sys424996_szquest_complete_detailAre these the supplies from [120042|Yulia]?\n\nThank you for your help!
Sys424996_szquest_descClear the road of [<S>106364|Wailing Canes], then deliver [240896|Yulia's Entrusted Goods] to [120043|Halides].
Sys424996_szquest_uncomplete_detailAnd you are...?\n\nThat [120042|Yulia] has made me wait far too long!