result count: 5

Sys425027_nameShadow Heart
Sys425027_szquest_accept_detailHey, revived dwarf! Are you getting used to everything? It looks like you're adapting well!\n\nAre you willing to help revive the others of your clan? The process of de-petrifying the Shadowforge clan requires a very important agent that acts like a stabilizer to minimize the side-effects of revival. The agent is called [241083|Gamiter Pith], and may be obtained from a [106560|Magic Rock Gamiter]. However, it's very rare, so you must be patient.\n\nBeing so united as a race, you surely won't refuse this quest, right?
Sys425027_szquest_complete_detailYou're finally back! I've been waiting for you!\n\nYes...this [241083|Gamiter Pith] looks to be complete with good color; the quality is very good! I never expected you to do such a good job the first time I asked for your help! I can't wait to see your future performance!
Sys425027_szquest_descObtain the rare [241083|Gamiter Pith] from the [<S>106560|Magic Rock Gamiters] and give it to [120451|Tjarkta Yanoh].
Sys425027_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you have trouble finding it, please be patient! It's precious because of its rarity. As long as you persevere, you'll eventually find some [241083|Gamiter Pith].