result count: 5

Sys425036_nameJust Want To Sleep
Sys425036_szquest_accept_detailWhat? What did you say?\n\nI can't stand it anymore. The miners are pounding all day, constantly making noise! Add to that, the echoes from the cave, and if this continues I'll go mad! I need to get a good night's sleep...\n\nI learned some herbalism before, and I've heard that dried, powdered bat-wing added to an herbal tea can help with sleep. I think the [<S>106565|Foul Bats] in Sardrath Corridor would work.\n\nPlease help me collect some [<S>240801|Foul Bat Wings] so that I can get a good night's sleep...
Sys425036_szquest_complete_detailWonderful. Thank you so much.\n\nUgh...this smells terrible. I'll always remember how helpful you were in such an uncomfortable task!
Sys425036_szquest_desc[120444|Reeta Purnash] can't stand the echoing banging from the mine. Help him collect 5 [<S>240801|Foul Bat Wings] to make a sleep potion.
Sys425036_szquest_uncomplete_detailI know bat wings sound really disgusting, but they're surprisingly effective!\n\nIf it will help me sleep, I'll drink any foul-tasting thing...