result count: 12

SC_425086_01This city...
SC_425086_02When I was young, I begged my father until he finally let me lead my people to build this place. And only the large quantities of hangrar ore...could allow a long stagnant experiment to resume.
SC_425086_03Elder Hebolen once warned me that the enormous energy my father was mining was extremely dangerous...
SC_425086_04But in the end...I couldn't stop my father from performing Shadowforge experiments on that object which contains a kind of powerful energy.
SC_425086_05This is all my fault...If I hadn't discovered the [SC_Z31_ITEM_00|Hangrar Ore] here, or if I'd been able to stop my father sooner, we wouldn't have been petrified, and [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock] wouldn't be occupied by those monsters...
SC_425086_06It is my responsibility to resolve this suffering, but I cannot succeed alone! I need your strength.
SC_425086_07So...I will assign a responsibility to you.
Sys425086_nameConversation with Morfantas
Sys425086_szquest_accept_detailBrave warrior of my clan, I've heard of your heroic deeds. Of course, I know that you had assistance. But it was only you who braved all obstacles in your path and saved me from my wretched slumber in [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock]. \n\nCan you walk with me? I've been asleep for too long. All of the scenery seems so foreign to me...
Sys425086_szquest_complete_detailDo you understand? Son of Taffrock!
Sys425086_szquest_descFollow [120366|Morfantas].
Sys425086_szquest_uncomplete_detailIs something wrong? Let me know when you're ready to go!