result count: 24

SC_425106_AThe [<S>120000|Alliance Warriors] don't notice you approaching...
SC_425106_BThe [<S>120000|Alliance Warriors] are chatting...
SC_425106_CYou hear some of the [<S>120000|Alliance Warriors] quietly complaining.
SC_425106_DThe [<S>120000|Alliance Warriors] look alert. Quickly, eat your [240904|Delivered Meal] or leave!
SC_425106_EYou can't eavesdrop without being noticed. Go back and find [120069|Henry Binks].
SC_425106_FThe [<S>120000|Alliance Warriors] saw you. They started to talk about something else. You may not be able to pick up any clues from these people now...
SC_425106_GRemember, before they become alert, you have to act nonchalant, as if you're just there to eat. If you run out of [<S>240904|Delivered Meals] to eat, just come find me and I'll give you more.
SC_425106_HNo...You don't want to eat any more [<S>240904|Delivered Meals]!
SC_425106_II was sent by General [119860|Winnie Sibok]...
SC_425106_JAccording to [119860|Winnie Sibok], you have to be in the [ZONE_CENTRAL_KITCHEN|Central Kitchen] to hear "the truth!"
SC_425106_KYou feel the urge to vomit...
SC_425106_LIf you want to act nonchalant, you can't constantly stuff your mouth...
SC_425106_MThe soldiers' plates are empty. They stop chatting, and look around, waiting for their food. You can't ask for information in this state...
SC_425106_NThey just received their food, and are devouring it. You must be patient. Wait a moment...
SC_425106_OFinished! The food for your disguise is all gone!
Sys425106_nameThe Real Situation
Sys425106_szquest_accept_detailA number of forces have combined into a powerful force in order to fight against [119864|Maderoth]. With so many different cultures working together, if things are not handled carefully, we could become divided!\n\nWe must prevent this from happening, but we can't ask directly because everyone will say there's nothing wrong. They'll keep their true feelings to themselves until they can no longer stand it, and then it will be too late.\n\nSo, we need a way to find out the troops' true feelings. The best way is to listen to the soldiers while they're eating in the [ZONE_CENTRAL_KITCHEN|Central Kitchen]. They'll chat with each other while they're eating, and you can hear their true feelings.\n\nI have someone in the [ZONE_CENTRAL_KITCHEN|Central Kitchen]. Go there and find [120069|Henry Binks], and he'll tell you what to do.
Sys425106_szquest_complete_detail(The general listens to your report seriously)\n\nGood. This will help us control the situation. I'll give the order immediately to improve things.
Sys425106_szquest_descFollow the instructions of [120069|Henry Binks] to collect the information needed by [119860|Winnie Sibok].
Sys425106_szquest_uncomplete_detailYes! Have you collected any information?\n\nYour skills of observation, judgment, and execution are all good...what you need now is patience.