result count: 8

SC_425354_AThere are no [<S>106867|Angry Earth Vines] in need of restoration in your immediate vicinity.
SC_425354_BAlthough [121027|Woston] said that [<S>209469|Recovery Seeds] could make the [<S>106867|Angry Earth Vines] recover quicker, you had no idea that the effect would be so obvious! Thanks to your initiative, the [106867|Angry Earth Vine] looks as good as new.
SC_425354_GIVEGet the [209469|Recovery Seed] again.
Sys425354_nameLast Line of Defense
Sys425354_szquest_accept_detailThe [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] are indeed a formidable enemy with an advantage in numbers and strength, but their strategy is greatly inferior. The [<S>106867|Angry Earth Vines] around the camp can help us hide from their searches, by using the way they judge their surroundings...However, this won't work for the Gloomy Barons, as the [<S>106867|Angry Earth Vines] are vulnerable to their attacks.\n\n[$playername], please use these [<S>209469|Recovery Seeds] to repair the [<S>106867|Angry Earth Vines] around the camp. This is our only line of defense!
Sys425354_szquest_complete_detailMuch more the Elven King protect us.
Sys425354_szquest_descUse [<S>209469|Recovery Seeds] to repair the damaged [<S>106867|Angry Earth Vines].
Sys425354_szquest_uncomplete_detailThere are guardians ahead and [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] behind, but as long as we mount a proper defense they will not be able to break our defense line. I'm concerned about those [119323|Maderoth] men, though. They're even more deceitful than the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech]...even if they're no match for [119323|Maderoth] himself.