result count: 5

Sys425355_nameEnemy's Disguise
Sys425355_szquest_accept_detailThe reason [119323|Maderoth's] men are never attacked by [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] is definitely not because of friendship or cooperation. They must have some method, like the way we used an extract of [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] to fool their sense of smell.\n\nI heard [120579|Gerl Rewent] say that there are internal and external methods of affecting the sense of smell. The internal way is to use a potion or special transformation change one's own body, which takes a lot of time and energy, and is irreversible. The external method uses a magic circle or a potion on the surface to achieve the objective, but we haven't come up with a long-lasting solution.\n\nI don't think [119323|Maderoth's] camp is using an internal method to get close to the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech]. This type of subtle transformation doesn't make sense. Have you seen the remodeled soldiers of Naghur? That's what an internal transformation looks like. Therefore, I suspect...that studying their clothes will give us some clue as to their method.\n\nI think that since they can walk among the Myrmex for so long, their method must be more clever than ours. If you can take these [<S>209471|Gloomy Baron Clothes] to [120579|Gerl Rewent], he may be able to make a breakthrough discovery.
Sys425355_szquest_complete_detailWhat are these smelly clothes? He's really troublesome, but since he sent you I'm interested to see. His ideas usually have some merit...
Sys425355_szquest_descTake the [<S>209471|Gloomy Baron Clothes] to [ZONE_VESTIGE_VEIL|Veiled Encampment] for [120579|Gerl Rewent] to study.
Sys425355_szquest_uncomplete_detailNothing good happens every time you come here, what is it this time?