result count: 5

Sys425614_nameWonderful Effect
Sys425614_szquest_accept_detail([120736|Borena Mezz] gives you the completed [241281|Special Medicine].)\n\nI'll treat these injuries. The front-line soldiers need your help!\n\nRemember, we must treat them in time. I hope this potion works!
Sys425614_szquest_complete_detailThe potion works? Wonderful!\n\nIn that case, we can continue with mass production!\n\nBut I may need assistance from behind. My own strength is limited!
Sys425614_szquest_descUse the potion created by [120736|Borena Mezz] to treat the poisoned soldiers on the front lines.
Sys425614_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt didn't work? I don't have any better ideas!