result count: 5

Sys425688_nameStories of the Stone Tablet
Sys425688_szquest_accept_detail[121293|Mo'k Paybo] wants to summon dead people to get a better grasp on historical events. Though it may be technically possible, the inspiration for that kind of idea could only come from a fever dream. Hmph. In my experience, guys that are just summoned in willy nilly aren't the most reliable. It's a question of quality, you see. So it might just be best to use more conventional methods of historical exploration. Speaking of which, what about those stone tablets inside [ZONE_SPIRI_MOUND|Spirit Mound]? \n\n[121293|Mo'k Paybo] said it best: Ignoring safety in pursuit of knowledge is reckless, so after coming up with so many different plans, I think handing this off to a knight is probably our best course of action. Such a plan would conserve effort, time, and go a long way towards maximizing all relevant specializations. Only problem is that we're short one knight. Luckily, I've already gone through all of the relevant data. And whether we're talking general ability or aptitude for menial tasks- you rank highly across the board. Well, what do you think?
Sys425688_szquest_complete_detailIs this not more practical? It's hard to fathom the roundabout methods favored by [121293|Mo'k Paybo].
Sys425688_szquest_descHelp [121297|Holly Lloyd] take rubbings from 10 [<S>121317|Righteous Soul Tablets].
Sys425688_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe [121317|Righteous Soul Tablet] is fascinating. Every time I see them the content changes into something different. They must have used some kind of special technique, because there's no way a few stone tablets could record the entire tale of [ZONE_SPIRI_MOUND|Spirit Mound].