result count: 5

Sys425692_nameWhere'd He Go?
Sys425692_szquest_accept_detailAbout Jill... First she has to calm down before we can do anything. She'll understand. We can't just drop everything we're doing for her sake.\n\nSpeaking of which, a while back I dispatched a man to the front to collect reports from each sector, but there's still no word from him. [$playername], if you're going to the front would you mind keeping an eye out for [121305|Victor Rita]? Tell him I need his report.
Sys425692_szquest_complete_detailOf course I didn't forget the reports. It's my own fault- I never expected this assignment would be so hard. Who knew you can be wounded before ever reaching the battlefield.\n\nI know what you're going to say. I'll take the reports back as soon as my injuries have stabilized.
Sys425692_szquest_descLocate [121305|Victor Rita].
Sys425692_szquest_uncomplete_detailHey! Careful of those injured Myrmex. Ass whoopings can be contagious.