result count: 17

SC_Z25Q426084_1Deliver what Morrok said
SC_Z25Q426084_10Really? Are you sure? Words that have been passed on can easily be misunderstood.
SC_Z25Q426084_11Confirm again that this information is not mistaken.
SC_Z25Q426084_12No problem.
SC_Z25Q426084_2Oh, so Kadmos is still hiding. I wonder whether he still could be so arrogant if the great Envoy of Balance wouldn't have gone so easy on him and would have taken his elemental power? He collaborates with Sismond, right? He must have gone crazy. The Envoy of Balance will never forgive him for that. \n\nI'm sorry. I was just talking to myself. So Morrok wants to know about the "Nightmare", right?
SC_Z25Q426084_3Please tell me about the "Nightmare"!
SC_Z25Q426084_4I heard that many of the dragons lately have been caught in this "Nightmare". This has also affected the Sleepwalking and things are even getting more and more serious.\n\nBesides, there is something strange that might be associated with this matter...
SC_Z25Q426084_5You're talking about "something strange"?
SC_Z25Q426084_6Have you asked what the "Nightmare" was about?
SC_Z25Q426084_7Those that have had this "Nightmare" reported finding traces of break-in around them after waking. Thinking they had been fast asleep they suspected that there had been intruders and asked me to investigate...But can you imagine someone burglarizing dragons just for the sake of breaking something. I believe their sleeping posture has something to do with this. But you don't need to worry about this.
SC_Z25Q426084_8I'm totally clear about everything you said. I'll go back immediately and report to Morrok.
SC_Z25Q426084_9I did ask. But most of the dragons were not so eager to tell me. Although I can understand why...I was able to find out parts of it and I found that their "Nightmares" are all pretty similar. They are facing shadows which they had hidden deep inside. Shadows of a loved one that has died, of a friend that's no longer there, or a greatly dreaded foe. They all come before them one by one to laugh at them...That's pretty much what it's all about.
Sys426084_nameOmen of the Dark
Sys426084_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], can you get to the [ZONE_ROCKDEN_OUTPOST|Rockden Outpost] once more? I arranged a meeting with the Earth Dragon [121997|Anwan], but I can't leave right now. \n\nJust tell him, I still haven't found the whereabouts of the Frost Dragon. [121428|Aron Dray] will tell him everything else. Please also ask him whether he has made any progress in the matter we've been talking about.
Sys426084_szquest_complete_detailIf Morrok doesn't show up personally, there's no reason for me to visit him myself. I just need you to deliver a message to him.
Sys426084_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_ROCKDEN_OUTPOST|Rockden Outpost] and talk to [121997|Anwan] about the situation of the dragons.
Sys426084_szquest_uncomplete_detailI've got news for Morrok. Where is he?