result count: 7

SC_Z25Q426103_1Tell [122025|Panilor] the news about Jill and inform him about Morrok's upcoming actions.
SC_Z25Q426103_2I understand. You will act according to your own pace.
Sys426103_nameFinding the Mysterious Woman
Sys426103_szquest_accept_detailThere's something that hasn't been settled yet. We have to find [115892|Jill]. The fortune teller in [ZONE_GUBODO_VILLAGE|Gubod Village] might be able to help us. I need to ask her about [115892|Jill]. And maybe she can tell me something about the Frost Dragon as well...\n\nIf you don't have anything urgent to do, you can join me. Let's meet in [ZONE_GUBODO_VILLAGE|Gubod Village] after you have talked to [122025|Panilor].
Sys426103_szquest_complete_detailI've met her before. The name of that mysterious fortune teller is [122047|Sayafiz]. She told me she was able to look further into the future if we could provide some things for her. We can leave that village as soon as we have our answers. \n\nCurrently, I think it's best if we act according to her suggestions.
Sys426103_szquest_descGo back to [122025|Panilor] to describe the current situation, then travel to [ZONE_GUBODO_VILLAGE|Gubod Village] to meet with [122042|Morrok Wallinder].
Sys426103_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat did [122025|Panilor] say?