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Sys426268_szquest_accept_detailNext, we have to lure [122641|Loub Ayekin] out and get him to stand inside the area that is affected by the energy absorption. Don't let him leave! Root him if you have the ability, but it will be easy for him to feel there's something wrong. The more energy he has stored inside him, the fiercer he'll try to escape, and getting him back again will be even harder.\n\nPerhaps a relative understands him best. [122631|Jill Ayekin] might know how to deal with him?
Sys426268_szquest_complete_detailI didn't expect such a development...sad, but perhaps it's going to be alright.
Sys426268_szquest_desc[548185|Complete Loub's sealing].
Sys426268_szquest_uncomplete_detailI hope everything can be carried out smoothly.

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