result count: 4

Sys426314_nameInforme de batallaBattle Status
Sys426314_szquest_accept_detailMe preocupan mucho Kargath e Iswan. La primera vez que enviaron tropas para atacar la Planta de producción recibimos algunos informes, pero desde entonces no he vuelto a saber nada de ellos. Me inquieta la idea de que les hayan podido tender una emboscada. ¿Podéis ir a buscar a Kargath y preguntarle qué tal se desarrolla la batalla?\n\n\n\nSi Morrok despierta, le diré que os busque en la vanguardia. Tened cuidado, enviado especial.I am worried for Kargath and Iswan. After they sent out the first set of troops to attack the Production Plant, a couple of people came back, but since then I haven't heard anything from them. I fear that they have been ambushed. Could you head out to find Kargath and then ask him how the battle is proceeding?\n\nAh yes! As I rushed here, [122340|Leoryo], a soldier from the forward camp at the Boiling Lake wanted to report to me. But there was nothing left for me to do other than to send him back for the time being. He is waiting on further orders. Before you set out for Kargath, could you perhaps find out what happened?\n\nWhen Morrok wakes up, I will send him to seek you out on the battlefield. Special Envoy, please be careful.
Sys426314_szquest_complete_detailWill está en máxima alerta. Siento no poder contaros con todo detalle la razón, pero quizá ya sepáis que [122364|Woktas] ha caído de lleno en la trampa de Klamorte, y por ello nos ha puesto a todos en peligro. Y por si eso no fuera poco, Iswan se ha perdido en la Planta de producción, así que imaginaos lo apremiante que es nuestra situación.\n\n([122341|Kargath Duran] se frota las sienes con claras muestras de desesperación.)\n\nAl menos vos estáis aquí y podréis echarnos una mano.Will is on high alert. I can't explain everything to you now. You probably know that [122364|Woktas] fell headfirst for Klamorte's trap, which severely compromised our position. Add to that, Iswan was stranded at the Production Plant and you'll start to see what kind of situation we're in here now!\n\n([122341|Kargath Duran] rubs his throbbing temples in exasperation)\n\nBut at least you're here. Someone to lend a hand.
Sys426314_szquest_descBuscad a [122341|Kargath Duran] para que os informe de la situación en el campo de batalla.Find [122341|Kargath Duran] and gather the required information on the battle's progress. \n\n([122340|Leoryo] should be able to report to you on this matter.)