result count: 5

Sys426344_nameThe Way of Deception
Sys426344_szquest_accept_detailI...I have no experience going undercover...What to do! Am I going to screw this up? No, no, I must complete this mission...but, I can't stop shaking...Oh god, oh god, I'm useless...\n\nCommander...Commander, what should I do? Commander Harris has ordered me to infiltrate [ZONE_BELLATIA MONASTERY|Royal Abbey] and send back reports...Why me? How am I supposed to do this all by myself? I don't get it...
Sys426344_szquest_complete_detail([122330|Rocky Fossen] starts crying)\n\nCommander, can you do the infiltration for me? I'm useless, even now I still can't do anything by myself. Next time I'll prick up my courage.\n\nAye...I say the same thing every time? Please believe me, I swear I'll do go next time!
Sys426344_szquest_descDon a [242660|Zurhidon Costume] and, disguised as a Zurhidon employee, infiltrate the deepest recesses of [ZONE_BELLATIA MONASTERY|Royal Abbey] and send back your report.
Sys426344_szquest_uncomplete_detailStop...stop shaking. I've made it this far. It will be no problem...right?