result count: 5

Sys426500_nameThe Northern Seal
Sys426500_szquest_accept_detailHopefully the bottled blood will be of use to us.\n\nWe discovered seals near [ZONE_WINDS_TUTELAGE|Wind's Tutelage]. According to the Hulu pictures, every seal protects a piece of the "New Moon" Beast. Please bring this part back.\n\nThe second seal was discovered to the north of Wind's Tutelage. Recover the [243009|Beast Bone] that have been sealed away there.
Sys426500_szquest_complete_detailWhy was this beast sealed away in such an unusual manner? Maybe [122980|Kidd] isn't the genius that everyone thinks he is?
Sys426500_szquest_descGo to the north of [ZONE_WINDS_TUTELAGE|Wind's Tutelage], break the seal and obtain the [243009|Beast Bone].
Sys426500_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you find them? Did you bring everything back?