result count: 5

Sys426501_nameThe Hulu Seal
Sys426501_szquest_accept_detailThe last seal...I never had a good feeling about this. Maybe it was a kind of premonition. But we've come so far that there's no turning back now. \n\nOnce we have the items from each of the three seals, we'll finally find out what [122980|Kidd] had planned. \n\nBreak the last seal and recover the [243010|Beast Spirit].
Sys426501_szquest_complete_detailI've heard that news of our success hasn't escaped the pirates either. They're even planning a banquet. All the notables will be in attendance.
Sys426501_szquest_descThe last seal is in the rear area of the [ZONE_BODO_WIND|Hulu Village]. Break it and recover the [243010|Beast Spirit].
Sys426501_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you find the the things? Did you bring everything with you?