result count: 4

Sys426504_nameThe Tooth of the New Moon
Sys426504_szquest_accept_detailUnder normal circumstances I'd never turn over what's mine. But today I'll make an exception. I have much to thank your captain for. He took up my cause without protest.\n\n([122973|Paga] gives you the object she'd been holding.) \n\nIt came from the [122974|New Moon Beast]. It doesn't seem to be part of the treasure. But who knows, maybe this object will prove useful in the search. \n\nBut don't misunderstand me: it's not a gift, just a loan. I hope you'll be equally generous when the real treasure is uncovered.
Sys426504_szquest_complete_detailHa, it's safer with us than in the hands of a pirate.
Sys426504_szquest_descGive the [243011|New Moon Tooth] to [122972|Will Kanches].