result count: 5

Sys426595_nameLearning to Write
Sys426595_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], I'm thinking about starting a course. I'd like to teach members of the Hulu tribe the joy of writing. It could be an important step in the development of their culture.\n\nThe chief has already approved my plans. All that I need are materials that could serve as pens and papers. Please bring me 2 tanned hides from [108106|Baby Lenka] and 5 units of blood from [108110|Tame Fireflint Lizard]. I'll use them to prepare the pens and papers.
Sys426595_szquest_complete_detailCollect some more improvised pens and paper - then it will be possible to teach the people to write!
Sys426595_szquest_descYou get 2 leathers from skinning a [108106|Baby Lenka] and killing a [108110|Tame Fireflint Lizard] yields 5 blood. They'll serve as provisional writing materials.
Sys426595_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe Hulu chief is impressed by my deeds. He says that our achievements will be recognized by the whole tribe.