result count: 5

Sys426606_nameThe Missing Trooper
Sys426606_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], could you do me a favor?\n\nOne of our member enjoys studying old inscriptions. He said he was going to the ruins to have a look around. Who'd have thought he would end up in a fight...I hope he's all right...\n\nBut it looks very much as if these savages wanted to take us prisoner. Don't ask me why, but I think it likely that [123057|Akko Spiderhead] is being held captive by them.\n\nCan you help me? Please, bring [123057|Akko Spiderhead] back home.
Sys426606_szquest_complete_detailHey, you there! What are you doing here? Quick, help me take off this blindfold! My eyes...I can't see anything! ([123057|Akko Spiderhead] wails incessantly.)\n\nAre you come to help me? Good!\n\nTruly! These savages said I was too loud, so they took a scrap of cloth and bound my eyes. I don't know what they're thinking! Do you think they're hoping I would attract more of my kind?
Sys426606_szquest_descEnter the ruins and find [123057|Akko Spiderhead].
Sys426606_szquest_uncomplete_detailHey, you there! What are you doing? Quick, help me take off this blindfold! My eyes...I can't see! I can't see!