result count: 5

Sys426609_nameThe Test in the Ruins
Sys426609_szquest_accept_detailAccording to the inscription, [122443|Mezzmillo] shall appear when all of the rune guardians have been defeated...\n\nWait! That's strange... It's difficult to read, but this inscription mentions a totem of Kidd's Sons. Is this one of Kidd's tests?\n\nQuickly, hurry up! We have to solve this task before any of the other pirates do! Remember how there are three guardians? When you've defeated them, bring me their insignia. Otherwise Kidd's Sons might not acknowledge what you have done.
Sys426609_szquest_complete_detail([123057|Akko Spiderhead] receives the three proofs.)\n\nI'll take these items straight to the captain. But if these three guardians have already been defeated...can you check whether <CS>[122443|Mezzmillo]</CS> has already appeared? I think <CS>[122443|Mezzmillo]</CS> is also one of Kidd's tests!
Sys426609_szquest_descDefeat the three guardians and bring back the three insignia as proof.
Sys426609_szquest_uncomplete_detailQuick, get a move on! If any other pirates turn up, I'll trick them into staying out of here.