result count: 9

SC_Z28Q426638_01You would never have been able to identify this stone without the help of the Xabu...
SC_Z28Q426638_02Stones of this type are only to be found in the [ZONE_TAPATAPA_GORGE|Tapatapa Gorge]...
SC_Z28Q426638_03[123101|Yalagang Hyte] sends me to get a [243066|Yalo Colored Stone] from you.
SC_Z28Q426638_04Ka-bang! Can't you see that my back is ka-bang-ing sore? I can't give you [243066|Yalo Colored Stone] at the moment!\n\nJust have a look for one yourself, ka-bang! Go to the [ZONE_TAPATAPA_GORGE|Tapatapa Gorge]. You'll find [<S>243066|Yalo Colored Stones] there, brightly glowing and capped with delicate gold lines.\n\nAll [<S>243066|Yalo Colored Stones] are in the [ZONE_TAPATAPA_GORGE|Tapatapa Gorge]. If you want one, you'll have to go there! Ka-bang, ka-bang!
Sys426638_nameWho Calls Me Ailic's First Mate?
Sys426638_szquest_accept_detailIs that not [SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Ailic's Pirates'] first mate?\n\nWhy are you asking if I know ye?\n\nWhat's that? You must be joking! Who on Gerador doesn't know Ailic's Pirates, the third largest pirate band?!\n\nMeeting you here in the land of the natives is a true pleasure. And you, First Mate, have a fantastic reputation among us Shotak Pirates.\n\nI'm waiting for one of the natives at the with absolutely no sense of time. I've been working with them for a long time and am just about fed up with their unpunctuality. If they weren't so brilliant at identifying the ores in the [ZONE_TAPATAPA_GORGE|Tapatapa Gorge] and finding [<S>243066|Yalo Colored Stones], I wouldn't even bother with them!\n\nI've arranged to meet a merchant in the [ZONE_LYORD_STRONGHOLD|Leorden Stronghold] who wants to buy these [<S>243066|Yalo Colored Stones]. But I'm afraid I'll be late for our arranged deal if this native doesn't show up soon with the stones. Honorable Mate, could you journey to the native village and find him for me? I'll look around for him here. I seem to recall that his tribe calls him "[123102|Balulu]".
Sys426638_szquest_complete_detailSo, he has been wounded... Still, he should send someone here to tell me!\n\n'Trust' is the foundation of every trade! I'll listen to everything [122815|Scriptmaster Jann] has to say.
Sys426638_szquest_desc[123101|Yalagang Hyte] is waiting tensely for the [<S>243066|Yalo Colored Stones]. Find [123102|Balulu] and obtain the [<S>243066|Yalo Colored Stones].
Sys426638_szquest_uncomplete_detailI can earn hundreds of thousands in the blink of an eye! How dare these natives waste my time like this?