result count: 7

SC_Z29Q426667_1You already have enough [<S>243146|Four-Leaved Walu Fortune Herbs].
SC_Z29Q426667_2There are no [<S>243146|Four-Leaved Walu Fortune Herbs] here.
Sys426667_nameThe Good Shaman
Sys426667_szquest_accept_detailWala, all Walu shamans must look for the [243146|Four-Leaved Walu Fortune Herb] to prove they have been chosen. Only once I've managed that will they pass on the wisdom of the shamans to me. I've already been through the meadows with a fine-toothed comb, but I couldn't find a [243164|Rune Technology Manuscript], wala.
Sys426667_szquest_complete_detailWalawalawala!\n\nDid you understand that? It's an expression of joy! I made it up myself.
Sys426667_szquest_desc[123432|Javis Sain] must find 5 [<S>243146|Four-Leaved Walu Fortune Herbs] to prove that he is chosen to learn the wisdom of the shamans. Help him to pass this test.
Sys426667_szquest_uncomplete_detailTo get a little closer to the Walu, I've started adding a wala to the end of every sentence, wala.