result count: 5

Sys426699_nameInsect Repellent
Sys426699_szquest_accept_detailAll I want in the world is Kidd's last secret treasure. I don't care about anything else.\n\nBut it would be a real annoyance if I don't manage to get into the [ZONE_LYORD_STRONGHOLD|Leorden Stronghold]. For a virtuous and dignified lady like myself, it would be absolutely unheard of to spend the night outdoors.\n\nOh, indeed, could you perhaps rustle up some [123180|Yaxin Plant] for me? You've already gone to the trouble of making a detour just to visit me, I'm sure you wouldn't want to refuse a poor, helpless woman her wish for a few harmless leaves, would you?
Sys426699_szquest_complete_detailYour captain spends too much time worrying about the wrong things. The only thing I'm worried about is being stung by insects.
Sys426699_szquest_descCollect a few [<S>243076|Leaves of the Yaxin Plant].
Sys426699_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat? You return empty-handed? How unprofessional!