result count: 9

SC_426700_1Any news?
SC_426700_2These things will belong to me anyway, sooner or later, so I might as well explain.\n\nCan you remember what the poem said? I mean the clue from [122966|Pirate from Kidd's Sons]? It said that Kidd's greatest secret will only be unraveled by someone in possession of three components.\n\nWhich means that these three pieces are the key to Kidd's secret.\n\nAnd whosoever should manage to solve Kidd's riddle will be granted a wish.
SC_426700_3New components?
SC_426700_4There's a rumor going around the [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates] that a new component has been dug up in the [ZONE_LYORD_STRONGHOLD|Leorden Stronghold].\n\nThis new discovery will unquestionably dispel all doubts about the existence of the secret treasure. The component called the [243011|New Moon Tooth] is now in our possession. The other item mentioned in the stories is the [243087|Sun Amulet].
Sys426700_nameSun Amulet
Sys426700_szquest_accept_detailThat's enough rest! As I said, my only aim is Kidd's last secret treasure. Why did you come to the island?\n\nTo find [SC_KIDSTREATURE|Kidd's Hidden Treasure] I've spent a lot of time and energy piecing together information about the amulet. Since the [243011|New Moon Tooth] turned up, there have been rumors everywhere about the other pieces. The question of whether this information is reliable or not just won't leave me in peace.
Sys426700_szquest_complete_detailI've similarly followed the rumors about the [243087|Sun Amulet], yet [123179|Paga's] information is different from mine. I heard that the document is in [123186|Katalozzi's] hands.\n\nIt looks very much as though someone wants to send people chasing the wrong rabbit. But who?
Sys426700_szquest_descTalk to [123179|Paga] about the information she has gathered.
Sys426700_szquest_uncomplete_detailSpeak! What do you want to know?