result count: 5

Sys426733_nameSinging in Key
Sys426733_szquest_accept_detailAaah! Sunlight, flowers, trees and water! The powers of nature are coming together, the purest of lights blesses us all. Can you feel the brothers that have departed?\n\n(The Entling's body shakes while he sings.)\n\nLet's sing a song, let's pray! The <CY>life force of the Earthspring might be gradually fading</CY>, but you have returned to us the blessing of speech and thought. I will never forget you for that! Never!\n\nOur suffering is nearly over! We rejoice to the bottom of our hearts! Please bring back the [243031|Luminous Fern] which was stolen by the [<S>107939|Treeified Pirates] and [<S>107940|Treeified Pirate Wenches].
Sys426733_szquest_complete_detailAh! Our suffering is soon over! A glorious day! The salvation of our tribe approaches!\n\n(The Entling's body shakes as he sings.)\n\nBrave adventurer, the situation with the life force of the Earthspring is a test. And in passing it we shall be stronger. The [243031|Luminous Fern's] energy is a new experience and we are learning how to become even stronger.\n\nIn these difficult times I shall sing loud and hard! We mustn't allow ourselves to be beaten! We must not be defeated!
Sys426733_szquest_descBring back the [243031|Luminous Fern] which was stolen by the [<S>107939|Treeified Pirates] and [<S>107940|Treeified Pirate Wenches].
Sys426733_szquest_uncomplete_detailAh! Our suffering is soon over! A glorious day! The salvation of our tribe approaches!\n\n(The Entling's body shakes as he sings.)