result count: 7

SC_Z29Q426792_1Let's see what you've got.
SC_Z29Q426792_2You're stronger than they said.
Sys426792_nameThe Sensei
Sys426792_szquest_accept_detail[123386|Fester] and [123387|Leonardo] are fascinated by the heroic deeds of [SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Ailic's Pirates]. That's why they want to test themselves against the best. They're too cowardly to say so openly, however. If you have time and feel up to it, why don't you show them how tough you really are?
Sys426792_szquest_complete_detailThose two still have a lot to learn. Their fighting skills are very disappointing. How dare they appear before the master is ill prepared as they are?
Sys426792_szquest_descChallenge [123386|Fester] and [123387|Leonardo].
Sys426792_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhen people live too long, their bodies and minds get slower and slower. People who still have the energy to achieve their goals in old age always impress me. Maybe I'll have enough energy for my goals again, once the master returns.