result count: 5

Sys426836_szquest_accept_detailThe wagon is already en route, don't you worry about it.\n\nAs for [123239|Sismond's] necromancy, I've had a crazy idea. I want to try using plants to limit the effects of his magic. Until now we've been missing the right chemicals. Our various attempts in [ZONE_SAVILLEPLAINS|Zandorya] were fruitless, and we couldn't save the people under the control of the necromancer. But there are still a few promising, albeit dangerous theories we haven't tested yet.\n\nThere are some [<S>108244|Small Thorned Blood Vines] in the [ZONE_IRUNAY_FOREST|Jungle of Irunia]. These beings have a penchant for poison. It might be possible to partially neutralize the effects of the necromancy by transplanting them into the human body.\n\nHelp me to gather some [<S>243092|Blood Vine Samples].
Sys426836_szquest_complete_detailI have bad news. The substances extracted from this sample are too potent. Using them on the human body might limit the effects of the necromancy, but the side effects wouldn't bear contemplating.
Sys426836_szquest_descFind [<S>108244|Small Thorned Blood Vines] in the [ZONE_IRUNAY_FOREST|Jungle of Irunia]. Pull up some weeds and get a few [<S>243092|Blood Vine Samples].
Sys426836_szquest_uncomplete_detailJust a little taste. I'm still confident that it will work.