result count: 5

Sys426837_nameControl of the Parasite
Sys426837_szquest_accept_detailI'd actually hoped to be able to suppress the power of this dark magic poison using the power of the parasites from the [243092|Blood Vine Sample]. But the plants are simply too powerful. If they grow too fast they become a danger to the host. We'll have to think of a way of damming their power.\n\nI've seen there are some [<S>108139|Uninfected Gulos] in the [ZONE_IRUNAY_FOREST|Jungle of Irunia]. I only hope we will be able to find what we're looking for with them.
Sys426837_szquest_complete_detailOur success rests on these weedy little creatures.
Sys426837_szquest_descSearch for [<S>108139|Uninfected Gulos] in the [ZONE_IRUNAY_FOREST|Jungle of Irunia] and bring back some [<S>243093|Uninfected Organisms].
Sys426837_szquest_uncomplete_detailIn many ways we have only ourselves to rely on, but I still hope for a miracle.