result count: 4

Sys426878_nameSismond's Blockade
Sys426878_szquest_accept_detailIt's not our job to help [123250|Kidd's Sons]. We needn't worry about them any more, but it's handy, given as we're looking for [123239|Sismond]. All right, [123239|Sismond] has broken through the seal and is in Kashaylan. But he's left a few annoyances behind him blocking our path.\n\nDeal with these hindrances.\n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_02|(Recommended group size: 4 and more)]
Sys426878_szquest_complete_detailI will thwart [123239|Sismond's] plans even if it costs me my life.
Sys426878_szquest_descFind [108406|Sismond's Silhouette] on the path to Kashaylan and destroy it.