result count: 5

Sys426969_nameWho Pinched the Brandy?
Sys426969_szquest_accept_detailThe water in this village is absolutely top class. I finally managed to make an arrangement with the [ZONE_WALOR_VILLAGE|Walu Village] so I could use the latest techniques for distilling alcohol. But who'd have thunk it? My brandy's been stolen before I even had a chance to try it! But the question is which drunkard was it who stole my nectar?\n\nYou look honest enough to me. You're not the crook, are you? Do you reckon you could bung a snake in that barrel so we can teach the vagrant a right good lesson?
Sys426969_szquest_complete_detailWhen dealing with pirates, polite words aren't worth a pinch of salt. You need to use other means. Some people just never learn otherwise.
Sys426969_szquest_descYou have a [243148|Purgatory Snake]. Put it in a [123445|Barrel of Freshly Made Brandy] for [123444|Brandy Master White].
Sys426969_szquest_uncomplete_detailI can't allow my stuff to be stolen willy-nilly. I've put so much effort into brewing up this brandy. You look honest enough to me. You can't have been the culprit.