result count: 5

Sys427128_nameSea Food and Eat It
Sys427128_szquest_accept_detail(He looks over the report in his hands, his eyes full of worry.)\n\nNo, no, no! We can't implement this supply plan... there isn't any form of contingency! We need more sources of food. This only takes the farm supplies into consideration. What about the ocean? The crabs and mussels on the coast are just as edible!\n\nWe ought to attempt to build up as big a supply buffer as possible. I've taken a closer look at the issue and would suggest [<S>201937|Splitwater Haircrabs] as a new primary food source. The more of them we can stockpile, the safer we'll feel!
Sys427128_szquest_complete_detailThat's one less thing to worry about!
Sys427128_szquest_descCollect some [<S>201937|Splitwater Haircrabs] on the coast of [ZONE_BROKEN_BAY|Port Shard].
Sys427128_szquest_uncomplete_detailMy concerns aren't baseless. Don't underestimate the food issue.