result count: 5

Sys427148_nameGift of Water
Sys427148_szquest_accept_detailThe Ancient Secret Book says that this hall is filled with the power of water. Yet it doesn't have any physical form. The hall looks different each time, according to the memories and the willpower of the person entering.\n\nBut that's not important yet. I need to ask you to bring me as many materials out of the hall as you can carry. We want to attempt to create some equipment items that are described in the secret book. If you help us, then you will also receive a gift accordingly.
Sys427148_szquest_complete_detail<CS>Water</CS> is the fountain of all life. Before the technology of the runes could be used, it took great pains for the people to be able to find sources of water. But now water is easy to come by, and the people have become wanton. They have no respect and take everything for granted. I only mean to say that you should know gratitude.\n\nAnyway, I should get back to work.
Sys427148_szquest_descEnter the Hall of Water and gather materials.
Sys427148_szquest_uncomplete_detail[SC_AC2_Q6_1_0|Oh no, not another failure! But I followed the book to the letter! I wonder what I did wrong.]