result count: 5

Sys427184_nameLobos malvadosThe Wolves of Splitwater Coast
Sys427184_szquest_accept_detailUna vez iba paseando en mitad de la noche junto a la [ZONE_Z32_SPLITWATER|Costa Corriente Atroz]. Estaba todo tan tranquilo que hasta podía oír mis propios pasos. De repente aparecieron unas luces amarillas en el camino y poco después me di cuenta de que no eran luces... ¡sino los ojos de una manada de lobos!\n\nPor suerte iba armado, de lo contrario no estaría aquí contándooslo. Si algo así le pasara a alguien desarmado, el resultado no serían más que familiares afligidos. ¡No podemos permitir que ocurra una tragedia semejante! Tenemos que eliminar a los [<S>108673|Lobos de la Costa Corriente Atroz] para proteger a los habitantes de la zona.One time I was walking along [ZONE_Z32_SPLITWATER|Splitwater Coast] late at night. It was so quiet, the only thing I could hear were my own footsteps. Suddenly the path in front of me was lined with little yellow lights... but it didn't take me long to realize they weren't lights at all, but the eyes of a wolf pack!\n\nFortunately I was carrying my weapons with me, or I wouldn't be here telling you this story today. But if the same thing happened to an unarmed civilian, there'd be nothing left behind but grieving family members! We can't stand by and wait for a tragedy like that to happen! We have to eradicate the [<S>108673|Splitwater Coast Wolves] and keep the people safe.
Sys427184_szquest_complete_detail¡Me gustaría agradeceros de todo corazón vuestra voluntad de ayudar a las personas! Aprecio mucho vuestro esfuerzo. ¡Seamos amigos!I want to offer you my utmost gratitude for your willingness to help people! Your commitment is admirable. Let's be friends!
Sys427184_szquest_descEliminad 10 [<S>108673|Lobos de la Costa Corriente Atroz] junto a la [ZONE_Z32_SPLITWATER|Costa Corriente Atroz].Eliminate 10 [<S>108673|Splitwater Coast Wolves] along [ZONE_Z32_SPLITWATER|Splitwater Coast].
Sys427184_szquest_uncomplete_detailPara proteger a la gente de los ataques de los lobos, suelo patrullar la zona de noche.I always carry out patrols around the area at night, to keep the people safe from wolf attacks.