result count: 10

SC_Q427285_1¡No hay problema! ¡Dejádmelo a mí!No problem! Leave it to me!
SC_Q427285_2¡Encargo de suministro aceptado! ¡Llevadle el [243246|Vino de hielo] a [123970|Jellen Hachacorta] lo antes posible!Supply order accepted! Deliver the [243246|Ice Wine] to [123970|Yellen Pettyaxe] as quickly as possible!
SC_Q427285_3¡Este vino es para vos!This wine is for you!
SC_Q427285_4El vino está demasiado caliente. Entrega fallida.The wine is already too warm. Delivery failed.
SC_Q427285_5¡Entrega fallida! ¡No tenéis el [243246|Vino de hielo]!Delivery failed! You don't have any [243246|Ice Wine] on you!
Sys427285_nameEl aroma del buen vinoSmell of the Summer Wine
Sys427285_szquest_accept_detail[123970|Jellen Hachacorta] ha olvidado llevarse este vino. Busco a alguien que esté de camino a [ZONE_TROLL_BARRICADE|Sandalor] y que esté dispuesto a llevárselo. El buen vino siempre atrae visitas no deseadas, por lo que, una vez terminado, conviene entregárselo al cliente cuanto antes.[123970|Yellen Pettyaxe] has forgotten to take this wine. I'm looking for someone on the way to [ZONE_TROLL_BARRICADE|Sandalor] who could deliver it for me. Good wine always attracts unwanted attention, so it needs to be delivered to the customer as soon as it's ready.
Sys427285_szquest_complete_detail¡Sí que es un buen vino, sí! ¡El talento viticultor de <CY>Bankbard</CY> es el orgullo de los <CY>Enanos de las Colinas</CY>!This is really top quality wine! <CY>Bankbard's</CY> skills as a vintner are the pride and joy of the <CY>hill dwarves</CY>!
Sys427285_szquest_descEl vino aromático siempre atrae a numerosas visitas no deseadas. Deberíais apresuraros y llevarle a [123970|Jellen Hachacorta] su pedido de [243246|Vino de hielo].Sweet-smelling wine always attracts unwanted visitors. That's why you need to be quick in delivering the [243246|Ice Wine] that [123970|Yellen Pettyaxe] ordered.
Sys427285_szquest_uncomplete_detailDesprendéis un fuerte olor a uva. ¿Venís de los viñedos de [ZONE_SANDHOR|Sandhor]? Eso me recuerda que tengo que ir a recoger unas botellas de vino.You smell like grapes. Are you on your way back from the vineyards in [ZONE_SANDHOR|Sandhor]? That reminds me, I need to pick up a few bottles of wine myself.